2023-2024 Warren Philharmonic Orchestra Patrons
Few professional orchestras can exist solely on subscriptions and single ticket sales, and the Warren Philharmonic Orchestra is no exception. A large portion of our budget comes from the generosity of our patrons, some remaining anonymous. Patron donations not only underwrite our two public concerts this year, they also help fund community outreach programs such as our Frank R. Bodor Strings of Joy Program. All contributions are tax deductible. Our sincere thanks to all our patrons!
Platinum Baton Club ($5000+)​​
Frank and Pearl Gelbman Charitable Foundation
Helene P. Kaighin Charitable Foundation
Martini-Martin Arts Trust
​Gold Baton Club
Gina Bodor
Boston Midsummer Opera (In Honor of Susan Davenny Wyner)
Nancy Van Fossan Family Foundation
Sally Taylor Revocable Trust
Trumbull County Abstract Company
Conductor's Club
Cafaro Foundation​​​
William Mullane and Elizabeth Barrickman
The Sauer Family Living Trust
Lillian Schermer Charitable Trust
Stephen and Betsy Kuhn
Judith Rae Solomon
Dr. John and Mary Vlad​

William and Mary Dennis
Andreas and Dale Foerster
W. Griswold and Therese Hurlbert
Elliot P. and Christine B. Legow
T. J. Lynn
Dan and Carol Olson​
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burkey
Alfred and Suzanne Fleming
Dennis Freet
John Gibson
Ruby Hawkins
Thomas and Claudia James
North Coast Fire Protection, Inc.
Fred W. and Janet E. Schweitzer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Walton (In Memory of Dr. Vijay Behari)
Robert Abruzzi
Raymond and Linda Barnum
Laura and David Boich
Karen Brown
Jackie Mills James
Lucille McGuire
Jeannine and Karl Morris
Burlyn and Debora Nash
Scot and Donna Phillips
Jane Pollis
Jack and Mary deVille
James and Cynthia Koehler